
Get your Teacher Toolkit today

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In your FREE Teacher Toolkit, you'll receive 3 weeks' worth of tips and resources to keep your students engaged in and out of class. Best of all, this content is applicable to all subjects and grade levels.

Here's what's included:

  • Online game ideas for self-directed test prep and course review
  • Printable worksheets and classroom activities
  • School assignments that can't be cheated with AI (ChatGPT)
  • Video tutorials demonstrating basic and advanced uses of online word games

Who are we?

Knoword is a vocabulary-building, game-based teaching tool trusted by over 7,000 educators worldwide. 🌐

  • 13,000 total assignments created
  • 500,000 student submissions recorded
  • Students spend an average of 3.85 minutes per game

Here's what students (literally) have to say about us:

  • its an great app to study and make flashcards with. Thanks to knoword, i passed my english test!!!
  • Slay, y'all are the best study app!
  • boring needs to be more fun in it
  • i love knoword I use it to study its fun and challenging it awesonm

Knoword is a teaching platform used by the world's finest educational institutions.